Teachers work hard to make authentic connections between home and school and the college has deliberate structures in place to ensure students’ pastoral needs are well met.
These structures include:
- Timetabled Pastoral Care lessons based on building Social-Emotional Skills through the “You Can Do It!” Program
- Vertical PC family groups in the Secondary School
- Primary School Class Carers Program
- Morning devotions
- Weekly chapel services
- Involvement in the college of the congregational pastor
- Buddy Programs
- St James Lutheran College is a restorative school, meaning that our Behaviour Management philosophy focuses on building and maintaining healthy and positive relationships for learning

What does it mean to be in the SHELL?
At St James Lutheran College, all members of the community have a right to feel safe and secure. We treat each other with respect and dignity at all times.
At St James Lutheran College, happiness and well-being is encouraged and celebrated. We provide students with a bright, engaging and agile learning environment and share the great gift that is life with all we meet and interact with.
Students and staff at St James Lutheran College are innovative, creative and adaptable learners. We strive to be at the forefront of educational trends and approaches to learning.
With Jesus Christ and a deep spirituality at the heart of our educational philosophy, students at St James Lutheran College are loved by God, their families, their teachers and all members of the college community.
The primary function at St James Lutheran College is education and learning. The college takes pride in its focus on educating the whole person - intellectually, physically, emotionally, spiritually and creatively.
Weekly Worship Services
Parents are invited to attend the weekly worship service. Worship services are held for the college on Thursdays for Years P-2, Fridays for Years 3-6, at 8.50am in the St James Congregation Church. The Secondary School meet on Tuesday mornings at 9am in the COLA.
St James Lutheran Congregation worship at 9.00am on Sunday mornings and all families are most welcome.