Meet Our College Council

St James Lutheran College is proud to be part of the System of Lutheran Schools in Queensland, under the care of the Lutheran Church of Australia - Queensland District (LCAQD). Our College Council members, once nominated, are endorsed by the Council of Lutheran Education Queensland (CLEQ) and appointed by the District Church Board. They play a vital role in our College community.

The College Council is responsible for guiding our school's vision and strategic direction. They work diligently to establish policies that reflect our values, oversee our financial health, and ensure we are always moving forward. The council meets nine times a year to discuss important matters and make decisions that benefit our students and community. The Principal and Business Manager attend these meetings as non-voting members and advisors attend as required.

To support the council's work, we have several sub-committees, including Finance, Property, and Kindergarten. These groups help manage specific areas to keep everything running smoothly. One of the council's key tasks is to develop and oversee our strategic plan, which is currently guiding us from 2024 to 2029.

Our Council Members are:

Mr Lloyd Maddern (Chairperson)

Rev Lester Reinbott

Mr Peter Siddans

Hon Warren Truss AC

Rev Ed Shoesmith (Consultant)

Mr Ward Veitch (Consultant)

We are grateful for their commitment and leadership in guiding St James Lutheran College.