St James has three award winning choirs; The Year 1 to 2, Year 3 to 6 choir and Year 7 to 12. The choirs perform at variety of school functions as well as community events including Eisteddfods. St James choirs enter both the Gympie and Maryborough Eisteddfods providing wonderful experiences and building confidence for the students involved.
The Year 3-6 choir rehearse before school in the Music Room between 7:50am and 8:30am. While the Year 7-12 choir rehearses on Fridays 7:50- 8:30am. Our Year 1-2 choir commences in term 2 and is held during a lunchbreak (time TBA).
Permission notes are required to be completed and returned to the College for those students wishing to join choir.
Students wishing to join any of these groups are welcome to come along and try.
For more information, please contact Miss McDuff or Administration: